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KYBELLA® in Frisco, TX

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What is Kybella?

Just a little extra fat in the upper neck area will create the appearance of a "double chin" that is unwanted to both women and men. The excess pockets of fat beneath the chin (aka the submental area) may be caused by aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations that lead to a softer jawline and chin for a less defined profile. Beverly Farris, FNP-C, is happy to offer a revolutionary technique to eliminate neck fat at AestheticFX Med Spa in Frisco, TX. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), KYBELLA is the first nonsurgical procedure for submental fat. The active component in KYBELLA is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which acts similarly to the natural DA in the body to break down and absorb fat. After it's injected beneath the chin, you may see a visible reduction in fat. When the fat is destroyed, the cells cannot return, so you can enjoy your new, slender neck and clear jawline for years to come.

What Are The Benefits Of Kybella?

KYBELLA injections in Frisco, TX at AestheticFX Med Spa offer a number of great benefits to remake and define your look, including:

  • Reducing unwanted neck fat
  • Shrinking a double chin
  • Defining the jawline
  • Recontouring the neck
  • Achieving a more youthful, slimmer appearance
  • Treatments are easy and quick
  • No surgery
  • No scarring
  • Little to no downtime
  • FDA approved

Am I A Candidate For KYBELLA?

The ideal patients for KYBELLA treatments have additional fat in the upper throat (submental area) that creates unwanted fullness or a double chin. This injection treats stubborn areas of fat that cannot be reduced with normal weight loss methods due to genetics, aging, or other conditions. If you are at or near a healthy, stable weight, but exercise and diet have not worked to remove the fat in your upper neck, KYBELLA may be the correct treatment for your goals. While KYBELLA can treat small to moderate pockets of fat in the upper neck, larger pockets of fat may be better suited for surgical neck liposuction at AestheticFX Med Spa.

How Does Kybella Work?

KYBELLA is performed during an in-office appointment. Our staff may apply a numbing gel to the treated area if desired once the skin is clean in order to ensure your utmost comfort throughout the treatment. The injections last around 15 minutes, which includes several small injections into the upper neck area. Some patients may require one treatment to reach their desired look, while some may require multiple injections spaced 3 – 4 weeks between each appointment at AestheticFX Med Spa.


How does KYBELLA work?
The active ingredient in KYBELLA, deoxycholic acid, works to break down and destroy fat cells in the submental area. After they are destroyed, these cells will not regenerate. This is why additional injections should not be necessary as soon as you have reached your desired outcome.

Can KYBELLA be used to treat other areas of the body?
Right now, KYBELLA may only be used to treat the upper neck. KYBELLA can effectively reduce the appearance of a double chin. KYBELLA hasn't been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for any other areas of the face or body.

Am I eligible for a KYBELLA treatment?
There are a few factors that could make you ineligible to receive a KYBELLA treatment. You need to be over the age of 18 years old, not pregnant or breastfeeding, and you should not have an active infection at the treatment site. Before the procedure is performed, you should be open about any health concerns and your medical history so they can determine if you can safely receive the treatment.

Reduce Neck Fat Today

Even if everybody else in your family has to hide their hereditary double chin, it doesn't mean you will. Schedule a consultation with Beverly Farris to learn more about the new KYBELLA treatments at AestheticFX Med Spa in Frisco, TX. Reduce submental fat so you can get a well-defined, strong jawline today.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.