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Laser Psoriasis Treatment in Frisco, TX

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What is Laser Psoriasis Treatment?

When you are suffering from psoriasis, you are likely to experience flaky, red, light-colored, or rough plaques on the skin that can be itchy, inflamed, scaly, and crusted. This lingering skin problem results when cells in the skin expand at a very fast rate. Psoriasis blemishes can range in size and often occur on the elbows, hands, feet, knees, head, and lower portion of the back. At AestheticFX Med Spa, Beverly Farris and her staff regularly relieve plaque psoriasis and other skin concerns. Utilizing powerful light energy, the laser system can treat these plaques to help lessen the effects of psoriasis, including inflammation and flakiness. To find out if laser psoriasis treatment is a recommended way to manage your condition and reduce your symptoms, get in touch with our Med Spa in Frisco, TX, right away.

How Does Laser Psoriasis Treatment Work?

The laser at AestheticFX Med Spa works through focused energy to treat psoriasis by decelerating the expansion of cells. These laser sessions only last a few minutes and usually produce a snapping sensation and mild heat. Patients may require several appointments to address a psoriasis condition.

Laser Psoriasis Treatment FAQ

Is laser psoriasis treatment painful?

Laser psoriasis treatment is generally well-tolerated, with most patients experiencing only mild discomfort during the procedure. Some people describe a slight stinging or warming sensation as the laser is applied to the skin.

How many laser treatments are needed for psoriasis?

The number of laser treatments required varies depending on the severity of the psoriasis and the size of the affected areas. Most patients typically need a series of treatments, with sessions scheduled once or twice a week over the course of several weeks. Our team at AestheticFX will create a personalized treatment plan that outlines the recommended number of sessions to achieve the best results for your condition.

How long do the effects of laser psoriasis treatment last?

The effects of laser psoriasis treatment can vary from patient to patient, but many individuals experience significant improvement in their symptoms after a few sessions. While laser therapy can help reduce flare-ups and improve skin appearance, it may not completely cure psoriasis. Some patients may require maintenance treatments to keep their symptoms under control over time.

Improve Your Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, making it hard to carry out simple tasks in your daily life. If this is the case in your situation, we encourage you to call AestheticFX Med Spa at your earliest convenience. During an appointment with Beverly Farris or a member of her team, your condition can be assessed and a treatment plan customized to make your symptoms manageable and your quality of life even better.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.