Will I Have Swelling After Dysport® Injections?
Cosmetic injections are a skin treatment that is becoming more popular. These help to treat and even prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Dysport injections are a treatment designed to help reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. Beverly Farris, a board-certified acute care nurse practitioner, can help you find the best course of treatment for your specific goals and needs. Schedule a consultation with AestheticFX Med Spa in Frisco, TX to learn more about how Dysport injections can help you today.
What are Dysport injections?
Dysport is an injectable wrinkle relaxer designed to reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. These are the wrinkles caused by the repetitive movement of your facial muscles, and are commonly found between your eyebrows, around your eyes, and even by your mouth. This injection temporarily blocks the signals to the treated muscle to give you a natural and younger-looking appearance. Dysport uses injections along the top of your eyebrows to help freeze the muscles that cause frown lines. Dysport injections are a fast-acting way to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face.
How do Dysport injections work?
After a consultation with Beverly Farris, you can start your treatment. Dysport injections are administered in a private treatment room and should only take around 30 minutes. Dysport is injected using a small needle, so numbing cream is rarely needed. The area you are treating will be cleaned, and your injections will be done. After this, a cold compress is applied to help reduce any swelling you may experience. However, this does not mean swelling will be nonexistent. You may experience swelling after your Dysport injections. If you think you would benefit from Dysport injections, contact AestheticFX Med Spa in Frisco, TX to learn more about how Beverly Farris can help you look younger and reduce wrinkles.
What is recovery like after Dysport injections?
You can return to your normal daily activities almost immediately after your procedure. However, you should avoid overexertion activities, such as exercise, for at least a day. You may have mild redness and swelling, but the cold compress used after your injections should help limit this. Any symptoms should go away within three days. You can also continue to apply cold compresses if needed. You will need to sleep sitting up for one night after your procedure to prevent the injections from moving. You should begin to notice your results within a few days. They can last up to four months, but a maintenance treatment can also be used to keep your results for longer. Dysport injections are a safe and effective way to get results that look natural and help keep you looking younger and virtually wrinkle-free.
Where can I get Dysport injections in Frisco, TX?
Dysport injections can help you achieve a younger appearance and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your eyebrows. While you may experience some mild swelling after your procedure, it should only last a few days, and a cold compress can be used to help it go down. Beverly Farris can help you achieve the face and skin you want with Dysport injections. You do not have to wait for natural-looking results. Contact AestheticFX Med Spa in Frisco, TX for a full consultation on the overall state of your aesthetic goals and needs.